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Kohler K-5172 San Souci 1.28 Gpf Elongated One-Piece Comfort Height Toilet – Dune
SKU: Ko11129
Category: Home
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Product Description :
- One-piece configuration provides a uniform look and simplifies installation
- Elongated bowl offers comfort and convenience, extending out an extra 1-1/2″ compared to a round configuration
- Covered under Kohler’s 1 year limited warranty
- Constructed of vitreous china for a smooth, hygienic, easy to clean surface
- Installs in a floor mounted configuration
- ADA compliant – complies with the standards for toilets set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act
- Includes a soft close seat with cover
- Standard Polished Chrome left-hand trip lever included. Pairs well with K-9171-L lever (not included).
Product Specifications:
- Overall Height: 25-5/16″ (measured from bottom of base to top of tank)
- Overall Depth: 27-3/4″ (measured from back of tank to front of rim)
- Overall Width: 16-3/8″ (measured from rightmost to leftmost edge of toilet)
- Bowl Height: 16-1/2″ (measured from floor to bowl rim)
- Flow Rate: 1.28 gallons-per-flush
- Water Area: 10-3/4″ x 7-1/2″ (inner rim dimensions of bowl, length x width)
- Water Depth (From Rim): 5-3/8″
- Tank Width: 16-3/8″ (measured from leftmost to rightmost edge of tank)
- Tank Depth: 6-15/16″ (measured from back edge to front edge of tank)
- Trapway (Discharge Passageway): 2-1/8″
- Distance Between Toilet Seat Installation Holes: 5-1/2″
- Rough-In: 12″
GTIN | 8 85612 35668 0 |
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